阿黛尔免费观看后首发长文 将携新专辑《30》回归

时间:2019-05-06 10:17:29阅读:49171
近日,Adele离婚后首发长文:“This is 31, thank fucking god 30 tried me so hard but I’m owning it and

近日,Adele免费观看后首发长文:“This is 31, thank 免费观看ing god 30 tried me so hard but I’m owning it and trying my hardest to lean in to it all. No matter how long we’re here for life is constant and complicated at times. I’ve changed drastically in the last couple years and I’m still changing and that’s okay. 31 is going to be a big ol’ year and I’m going to spend it all on myself. For the first time in a decade I’m ready to feel the world around me and look up for once. Be kind to yourself people we’re only human, go slow, put your phone down and laugh out loud at every opportunity. Learning to REALLY truly love yourself is it, and I’ve only just realized that that is more than enough. I’ll learn to love you lot eventually?Bunch of 免费观看ing savages, 30 will be a drum n bass record to spite you. Chin up eh ”




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